New Hampshire POET Rebate Program

Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics

Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics has announced that they have established a rebate program to reimburse eligible owners who installed a point-of-entry treatment (POET) system at their property to treat drinking water for PFAS prior to being offered a system as part of Saint-Gobain’s POET installation program.

Saint-Gobain has retained WSP USA Inc. (WSP) to collect information from property owners to evaluate rebate program eligibility.

Saint-Gobain will provide a one-time rebate of up to $5,000 to property owners whose POET system meets the following eligibility requirements. Approved applicants will also be eligible for Saint-Gobain’s POET maintenance program.

Applicant eligibility requirements include:

  • Documentation of POET installation date from September 30, 2019 through May 10, 2023;
  • Dated receipt for POET system installation;
  • Documentation showing proof of exceedance of NH PFAS drinking water standards prior to installation;
  • Documentation showing proof of effectiveness of POET system to treat drinking water to NH drinking water standards for PFAS (i.e., a sample collected post-installation);
  • Property must be located within the “consent decree” area defined by the 2018 agreement between the company and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES);
  • Property must be eligible for a POET system as part of Saint-Gobain’s POET installation program, as defined in a 2022 consent decree with NH DES; and
  • Consent to an inspection by Saint-Gobain’s POET installation contractor to verify that the installed POET meets program requirements and can be included in its POET maintenance program.

To apply for reimbursement, please do the following:

  1. Download the following form (SG-NH Poet Rebate Form)
  2. Fill in all information requested on the form
  3. Email the form and supporting documentation to If preferred, mail the form and supporting documentation to WSP at the address provided on the form.

Do not provide personal information, other than your name and residential address, or confidential information on the form or in any attached supporting documentation. WSP may share the information provided with Saint-Gobain, the NH DES, or POET installation contractors. If confidential information (such as social security number or bank account number) appears on supporting documentation, you should black it out before submitting it.

Saint-Gobain or WSP will provide a written response via mail or FedEx to the request for reimbursement within 90 days of receipt of completed application to the property owner of record as listed in the town tax assessor records.

Please contact WSP at if you have any questions about the POET rebate program. Please refer to the AW number (e.g., AW-XXXXX) in your email. If you have general questions about the ongoing work in your area, please contact Andrew Fuller at NHDES at (603) 271-6573. For more information about the work completed by SGPP, please contact SGPP at (800) 742-8498.

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